Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SCA Sisters' Service Project!

Hi SCA Sisters! 

     Please join us for a fun service project on September 15th from 12:30-2:30pm! 

For several years I (Ashlyn) have worked as an intern for Open Doors Ministry. I'd like to share with you my passion for the cause of Religious Freedom.

Open Doors Ministry recently launched a campaign about standing up for persecuted Christians. You can check out more information about the One With Them campaign at http://www.onewiththem.com/

Let's meet at the Open Doors' Office to learn more about religious persecution, and to help package bracelets for their new campaign.

We are hoping to car-pool up to the OD office in Santa Anna, so if any moms are willing to drive, please let us know. Parents and siblings are welcome! Please e-mail or call Ashlyn or Tessa ASAP to let us know if you will be coming. 

Please eat lunch before you come. Other than that, just come with hearts willing to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ who face persecution for their faith!

Monday, August 22, 2011

What are you doing today? :)

“What are you doing today?” When my (Ashlyn’s) Little Sister Sarah texted me last Monday, I didn’t know how much fun I was going to have that afternoon! After I got off of work, I drove over to her house. We baked, talked, ironed (seriously!), made crafts, and discussed one of our favorite activities—reading. I had so much fun getting to know her! Sarah was ready to be spontaneous and to take initiative to make sure we spent time together. You don’t have to have an elaborate day planned to have enjoy being with your SCA Sister. Sarah and I raided the shelves to find cookie ingredients, and we had a blast!

So, what are you doing today? :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Activities

Allyson, Ellysa, and Carissa recently took their SCA Sisters (Denise, Elise, and Ollyvia) on a group date! They went to watch Winnie the Pooh and to eat lunch together. Allyson said, “These girls are amazing, and I’m looking forward to getting to know not just my SCA sister (Denise) better, but also my sisters’ SCA sisters too.” Going to movies and going out to lunch are two perfect activities to do with your SCA Sister! And, we love the idea of getting together with other sister pairs. :)

What have you all been doing with your sisters?