Have you ever noticed that the older you get, the less age seems to matter? For example, someone whom my mom used to babysit, is now one of her favorite friends. I (Ashlyn) have someone like that in my life too.
At first my friend Alex used to come over and “help” me babysit my siblings. At the time, I was just a little bit too young to be responsible for my youngest brother, but a little bit too old to really need a babysitter. So, Alex, four years older than I am, sort of babysat all of us. She was fun, and yet, when everyone went to bed, the two of us would stay up and talk about all kinds of important things. I learned a lot from her during those times, and I looked up to her. She always made a point of hanging out with me at different SCA events, and never made me feel like she viewed me as “young”. Alex and I became good friends right when I was hitting the “emotional stage,” if you know what I mean. :) She was there to wipe my tears whenever I had something on my mind. I vividly remember having a particularly hard day, and she took me aside and hugged me and prayed with me. What a blessing! As the years went on, she did not seem “older” any more. Now, we are true friends~ mutually enjoying and encouraging each other as if there is not much age-difference at all anymore. Alex has recently embarked on an exciting adventure in New York City , and we frequently talk via e-mail, Skype, and phone calls. As time goes on, age doesn’t seem to matter as much. The girl who started out as my “babysitter” is now one of my closest friends, and I am grateful.
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